Did you know that the feelings of grief are not only experienced from a death?
Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe were behind the insightful research that led to the Holmes-Rahe Stress Scale. The now-famous scale details the 43 life events that are most liable to create feelings of grief, and in turn cause illness and other health-related problems.
Although I use the word grief, rather than stress, I completely agree with the list of grief-producing events; my only problem with the list is that it is comparative and as such, ranks losses in a hierarchy on a point system. I believe all loss is experienced at 100%—even though not all losses may be equal. The list below is presented in the same order as Holmes-Rahe created it; with the only difference is I left out the listing of point totals for each loss.
It's interesting that not all of the life experiences on this list would be considered a stressor or grief or loss event. Note that near the top of the list is “marriage.” While we all know that the wedding day can be stressful, and that marriage is not without problems, we also know it’s often referred to as one of the greatest days of our lives. Additionally, the list includes “change in financial state,” which is not limited to losing money, but includes the impact of a sudden windfall, like winning the lottery.
The Grief Recovery Institute defines grief as "the conflicting feelings caused by the end of or change in a familiar pattern of behavior.”
In addition to the life-events listed, a few more were added under the heading of “intangible,” for example: Loss of Trust, Loss of Approval, Loss of Safety, and Loss of Control of my body, among others.
Grieving Events
Death of a spouse
Marital separation
Death of a close family member
Personal injury or illness
Dismissal from work
Marital reconciliation
Change in health of family member
Sexual difficulties
Gain a new family member
Business readjustment
Change in financial state
Death of a close friend
Change to different line of work
Change in frequency of arguments
Major mortgage
Foreclosure of mortgage or loan
Change in responsibilities at work
Child leaving home
Trouble with in-laws
Outstanding personal achievement
Spouse starts or stops work
Begin or end school
Change in living conditions
Revision of personal habits
Trouble with boss
Change in working hours or conditions
Change in residence
Change in schools
Change in recreation
Change in church activities
Change in social activities
Minor mortgage or loan
Change in sleeping habits
Change in number of family reunions
Change in eating habits
Minor violation of law
Loss of Trust, Loss of Approval, Loss of Safety and Loss of Control of my body