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What is Your Vision?


When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Was it a firefighter, a Mom or Dad, or what?

What was the picture you imagined? What were you doing? What did your days look like?

When we have a picture of what we want life to look like, that is a vision for our life.

Maybe right now that vision is a little blurred, or maybe life just isn’t what we wanted it to be as we grew up.

As a child I wanted to be a marine biologist and work at Sea World in San Diego, CA.

Half my vision came true—I lived in San Diego, but didn’t work at Sea World. I worked in adult correctional facilities—such a stark difference from hanging out in the sun all day with Shamu!!

As I grew up, I really didn’t have anyone consistently telling me how to keep my vision for what I wanted in my life. My vision began to fade way before I graduated high school and discouraging thoughts began to take shape:

“Can I really do this?”

“Am I worthy enough?”

“How can I do this?”

I struggled my freshman year of college and there any hope of ever attaining that vision for my life diminished…

Over the years, life happened—marriage, kid, divorce, re-marriage, change in jobs, moves, blended family life, losses, celebrations, and more life. It was in 2014 after a traumatic birth of my second daughter that I began to envision a different life. At the time, I just wanted a different life for me. What began to taking a different shape was also helping others do the same.

With a new vision comes:

Reflection: Really asking ourselves the tough questions and really digging into places we have hidden or buried.

Vulnerability and Honesty: Where am I and where do I want to be? Is what I’m doing on a daily basis helping me or hindering me?

Dreaming: What is possible? What do I want my life to look like now? What are some of my big, audacious dreams?

Focus: Sometimes life can be chaotic, hectic and busy! Focus allows us permission to say no to things, to people, and really dig into what really matters.

Commitment: What will it take to get to where I want? What do I need to give more attention to, less attention to? When it comes down to it, commitment sounds a lot like work, doesn’t it? But when we have an amazing vision for our life, work can also be a lot of fun…and fulfilling!

Support: Yes, I always have to throw support in the mix! How many people do you know who have reached their goals did it all by themself? No one! If you will, think of support as an investment in yourself, just as you would invest in others. We all love to help, but oftentimes it is hard to ask for help. I encourage you to reach out to some and share the vision that’s on your heart today!

What is one area of your life today, that you would like to be different?

Where will you be in six months if you didn’t take any steps towards that vision? Where will you be in six months if you took action?

What is one step you can take today towards your vision?

As always, however you are feeling today, I want you to know that you are never alone. I encourage you to reach out—if not to me, then to someone!

I believe in you,


P.S. How helpful was this? If you think of someone who may benefit, please do not hesitate to forward this information. Thank you!



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