When was the last time you said to yourself (or to someone else):
“I don’t care”
“I'm fine”
“It's no big deal”
…when you did care, when you weren’t fine, and when it was a big deal?
Lies don’t have to be big, whopper size, get-out-of-trouble lies. They can be little ones that may have become:
An automatic response
~A feeling of “I don’t want to bother people with my problems”
~A feeling of “I don’t have the words to express what’s going on right now”
~“We don’t talk about these things”
~Something more…
When was the last time you said you were fine, but you really weren’t? What happened?
What’s the problem with saying we’re fine when we’re not?
Deep down we know that what we are saying isn’t true and we may end up feeling worse, like:
What can you do when with these feelings? Express them by:
~Writing it out
~Saying it out loud (even if you are alone)
~Screaming it into a pillow (find a safe space!)
~Talking to someone who listens well
Going from “I’m fine” to “This is bothering me” can be a huge step in releasing the emotions we carry.
As we find ways that work for us, we can practice saying what's on our minds.
As we become more truthful with what we are feeling, we begin to relax a little and become more comfortable with sharing.
As we begin sharing our truth, our views of our circumstances and the people in or lives may begin to shift. Not only can we see things differently, we begin to respond differently.
What is a situation that you say you’re fine with, but really aren’t?
How do you want to approach it differently now?
As always, however you are feeling today, I want you to know that you are never alone. I encourage you to reach out—if not to me, then to someone! I promise, I may not always know what to say or do, but I can be a huge heart with ears.
I believe in you,
P.S. If you are thinking of someone who may benefit from this, please do not hesitate to forward this information. Thank you!